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In just a few minutes you can discover how much you need for your future, and whether you’re on track to meeting your financial goals.

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$000,000 Income at retirement
$000,000 Projected balance at retirement
00 Run out age

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$000,000 Income at retirement
$000,000 Projected balance at retirement
00 Run out age
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If your super pension payment is less than the minimum allowed, we have assumed excess drawdown will be invested in super.
The after-tax contributions you've entered would result in you exceeding your after-tax contributions cap. The calculator has capped contribution amounts keep you within these limits.


Please tell us about any additional contributions you make. The sliders are limited by your maximum available contribution.


Investment mix

See how a different investment mix could impact your projected super balance.

Part time work

Are you planning to work part time?


Transition to retirement

A transition to retirement strategy allows you to draw money from your super while you continue to work. You can top up your super by contributing some or all of your salary providing a tax-efficient way of saving for retirement. We’ll do these calculations for you to give you an idea of how much you could save.


Age pension

Help us calculate your age pension eligibility. Your age pension payments are automatically included in your retirement income.



Would you like to include your spouse?

Your spouse's details

Remove spouse

Your spouse contributes


Ways we can help

Whatever your future looks like, Statewide Super can help make the most of your super today for a better financial future.

Already a member?

If you’re a member, Statewide Super provides a range of services to help you achieve your retirement goals. Here’s just a few:

Find lost super

Find lost super and consolidate it into your Statewide Super account. Simply call us on 1300 65 18 65 or login to your Statewide Super Online account – the choice is yours.


Complementary personal advice

Access complementary personal advice about your super, contribution levels, investment selection and insurance cover, over the phone or online.

Find out more

Identify your goals

Access personal advice through Statewide Super Financial Planning to help you identify your goals, the lifestyle you want and the resources you need to sustain it.

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Not a member?

Joining Statewide Super, one of Australia’s top-performing* super funds is super easy!


* Over the 2017-18 financial year, nine out of ten super investment options have delivered top-quartile investment performance over 3 years to 30 June 2018 according to the SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey June 2018. Investment returns are not guaranteed, all investments have risk, and past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Your Super Future calculator disclaimer and assumptions


This calculator is intended for illustrative purposes only. The information it contains is of a general nature only.

The results provided by the calculator are estimates only and are not guaranteed. Actual outcomes depend on uncertain factors such as salary increases, investment returns and relevant legislation. You should consider regularly updating the projections provided by the calculator.

The calculator is not intended to be relied on for the purposes of making a decision in relation to a financial product. In making any decisions about your superannuation or your retirement you should consider your own objectives, financial situation and needs. You should consider obtaining advice from a licensed financial planner before making any decisions.


The model/tool relies on both price inflation and wage inflation assumptions as detailed below. The assumptions of our default indexation rate of 2.7% per annum (CPI of 2% plus a rate of 0.7% with respect to increase in living standards) and wages growth of 2.5% per annum have been adopted in the context of continuing low price and wage inflation in Australia, with recent annual figures actually below these assumed rates.

You can change the assumed price and wage inflation rates in the 'Edit assumptions' section.

Results are in today's dollars

Results are shown in today's dollars. This means the amounts shown are adjusted for inflation (and so take into account the assumed change in the cost of living between the time of preparing the estimate and the future time).

The assumed rate of wage inflation has been used to discount future amounts to today's dollars.

Personal income

You are able to enter your current salary on the initial 'A little about you' screen. Your salary is then assumed to increase in line with wage inflation. In any future periods where you enter a period of part-time employment, your salary is reduced pro-rata.

Tax calculations allow for Personal Income Tax rates, the Medicare Levy, the Low Income Tax Offset and the Senior Australian Tax Offset. Threshold and Offset amounts in the first year are based on current rates. Thereafter they are assumed to increase in line with wage inflation.

Employer contributions

The calculator assumes that your employer makes superannuation guarantee contributions on your behalf.

Superannuation guarantee contribution rates are:

Financial yearRate

Superannuation guarantee contributions are subject to the maximum contribution base, which is currently $58,920 per quarter (for the 2021/22 financial year). This threshold is assumed to increase in line with wage inflation.

Voluntary member contributions

The calculator enables you to enter regular voluntary concessional or non-concessional contributions. Voluntary contribution amounts are assumed to increase in each year in line with your salary. In any periods of part-time work, these contributions are assumed to decrease pro-rata.

The calculator also enables you to make a one-off non-concessional contribution. The amount you enter as a one-off contribution is assumed to be fixed, and is not indexed.

Concessional contributions up $27,500 pa are taxed at 15%. Concessional contributions in excess of the contribution threshold are subject to additional tax. This is levied in the income tax environment, and so has no impact on the estimates in this calculator; however it would increase the amount of income tax you would have to pay. There is also an option to carry over un-used concessional limits into future financial years, though this option is not considered for the purpose of this calculator.

High income earners (from 1 July 2017, those who earn over $250,000 p.a.) are subject to additional tax on concessional contributions. These individuals will pay an additional 15% contributions tax on contributions relating to income above the $250,000 threshold. The calculator assumes that this additional tax is deducted from the superannuation balance; however there is also the option to pay this tax directly to the ATO.

Non-concessional contributions up to $110,000 pa, or $330,000 over three years (by taking advantage of the 'bring-forward' rule) are not taxed. Non-concessional contributions in excess of these thresholds are taxed at the highest marginal income tax rate. There is also an option to withdraw the excess contributions, though this option is not considered for the purpose of this calculator.

From 1 July 2021, non-concessional contributions are only permitted if the balance of an individual's superannuation is below $1.7 million. In a situation where the projected balance exceeds the (indexed) cap in the future, the calculator will not allow for any subsequent non-concessional contributions.

The Concessional and Non-Concessional contribution thresholds are indexed in line with the assumed rate of wage inflation.


In each projection year, your eligibility for a Government Co-Contribution is assessed based on your salary and non-concessional contributions.

The Co-Contribution thresholds and maximum amount are indexed in line with wage inflation.

Investment earnings

The default investment return and fee assumptions are:

InvestmentsAccumulation phase
(after tax & fees)
Pension phase
(before tax, after fees)
Conservative Balanced4.08%4.66%
Active Balanced4.54%5.13%
High Growth5.02%5.70%

Effective 1 October 2021.

Investment earnings in Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income Stream accounts are taxed. Investment earnings in post-retirement pension accounts are tax-free. The above returns are before the asset-based investment fee.

Administration fees and insurance premiums

The default administration fees and insurance premiums are:

Administration fee (per annum)$91 per annum
Asset-based administration fee0.11% pa (capped at $500) of the account balance for the accumulation phase and 0.16% pa (capped at $750) for the pension phase
Insurance premiums$441 per annum*

These are the standard fees for Statewide Super accumulation members.

*The insurance premium figure is the average annual premium a member will pay over their life at Statewide Super.

The dollar-based administration fee and the annual insurance premium increase in line with wage inflation.

Life expectancy

The calculator provides an indicator of your life expectancy. The life expectancies allow for future mortality improvements. They were derived based on the medium mortality rate assumptions in the Australian Bureau of Statistics in 'Population Projections 2006-2011'.

Age pension

The calculator estimates your age pension entitlement.

The full rate of age pension and associated supplements are initially set to the current rates; detailed on The full rate of payment is indexed each year in line with wage inflation.

Age pension eligibility is subject to an asset test and an income test. Asset and income test thresholds are initially set to their current levels, and are indexed each year in line with price inflation.

The asset test is based on the accrued balance of superannuation assets and other assets.

Centrelink assess income for income test purposes in a number of ways. For example, any actual rent received on investment properties is included in assessable income. However interest or dividend income received on financial investments is not included directly. Rather 'deemed' income is calculated on financial investments and used for the age pension income test.

For the purpose of this calculator, this distinction is not made. Rather, deemed income is calculated on superannuation and all assets outside of superannuation, and age pension eligibility is calculated based on this deemed income.

Transition to retirement (TTR)

The transition to retirement calculation:

  • assumes that you continue working at the same rate
  • assumes that you make additional salary sacrifice contributions and draw a pension such that your net income remains constant
  • calculates the contribution and drawing level which maximises the benefit within the superannuation environment.

Transfer balance cap

The transfer balance cap restricts the amount that can be transferred into an account-based pension. At 1 July 2021 the cap is $1.7 million and will increase in $100,000 increments in line with price inflation. If at the time of retirement your projected account balance exceeds the (indexed) transfer balance cap, the maximum possible amount will be transferred into an account-based pension and any excess balance will be retained in an accumulation account.


The drawings from superannuation in retirement are calculated as: Target income (which you are able to specify) less other income (which you are able to specify) less any age pension amounts (as calculated by the calculator).

Where the transfer balance cap is exceeded at the time of retirement, in retirement you will have both an accumulation account and a pension account. The minimum required amount will be drawn from the pension account and any further income required to attain your target income will be drawn from their accumulation account.

Minimum drawings

There are statutory minimum superannuation drawings in both the TTR phase and in retirement (once funds have been converted to the pension phase). For the purpose of this projection, this minimum is effectively ignored in the TTR phase, on the basis that any excess drawings could be re-contributed as non-concessional contributions. There is also an option to withdraw a reduced minimum recently legislated in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, though this option is not considered for the purpose of this calculator.

Legislative assumptions

A number of assumptions in this calculator are prescribed by legislation. These assumptions include: superannuation guarantee contribution rates; the tax arrangements on superannuation contributions, investment earnings and drawings; co-contributions; age pension payment rates and thresholds; income tax rates; and transition to retirement arrangements.

Where there is relevant legislation, the assumptions made in this calculator reflect current legislative arrangements. One uncertainty regarding future superannuation entitlement relates to possible future legislative changes.

Although some future changes in the legislation relating to superannuation are likely, it is not possible to know what these changes may be. Where there is relevant legislation, current legislative arrangements therefore represent the most reasonable basis for estimating future superannuation entitlement.

Updates to legislative assumptions are made as soon as practicable after such changes are announced. The calculator is based on legislative arrangements as at September 2021.


This calculator attempts to include the most significant features of the superannuation environment, and to do so in an accurate manner. However a calculator such as this is not able to address all facets of superannuation The most significant limitations are:

  • The calculator performs a 'deterministic' projection.

    This means that the assumptions such as investment returns are assumed to be constant every year, at the rates indicated above. The actual investment returns will vary from year to year. More aggressive investment options, with higher expected returns, would be expected to exhibit a more significant range of outcomes. The calculator does not show the range of possible outcomes.

    In this calculator, selecting a more aggressive investment option will present a more favourable outcome. However there is also likely to be more uncertainty attached to this outcome. You should consider this carefully before selecting an investment option.

  • The calculator does not include the capacity to make 'bring-forward' concessional contributions.

  • Deemed income on all other assets

    As described above, when assessing age pension eligibility, the calculator considers deemed income on all other assets.

    If you have significant rental income from investment properties this may not be appropriate, and more personal financial advice should be obtained.

Edit assumptions


The wage inflation slider represents changes to the Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings (AWOTE) rather than your personal salary expectation. It is used to discount future amounts into current values.


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